Those who deserve the first thanks are the wonderful women who suggested I should turn my epic emails into a book. I am so grateful for their encouragement! They are:
- Joy Houghton
- Margot Wylie
- Sijbrigje Hood
- Helen Mackenzie
- my husband, Phil, who has had to put up with endless questions like "What were you doing on x day at Welbourne?" years after the fact, and "What direction is the river from Isaac Creek cabin?"
- Patti Walker, the intrepid back country warden with a flair for practical jokes, who helped with background information on re-stringing the single side band at Little Heaven
- Sheila Couture, the wonderful woman who introduced Phil and me in 2000, and who has given me much encouragement by maintaining her interest in the project over many years
- John McLay, a Canadian author (whom Sheila introduced me to) who was kind enough to read a draft and encourage me it was worth pursuing
- Rod Wallace, for his enthusiastic response to my use of his farting story, as well as providing great material for the 'loo light incident' chapter
- Jamie Miles-Pearson, one of my lovely nieces who was the first person to turn their interest and support of the project into cold hard cash. Thanks, Jamie! I hope to return the favour one day and help you pursue a dream of your own
- Phil Minton )
- my mum, Lesley Pearson ) Thank you all SO much!
- my dad, Brian Pearson )
- Claudia Gratton )
- Sheila Couture )
- Raewyn Hutton )
- Jill Harwood )
- Gareth Hutton ) I feel so blessed - thank you everyone!
- Carmen Pearson )
- Joy Houghton )
- David & Gail Coe ) : )
- Renae Angeroth )
- Betty Caron )
- Helen Utting )
- Erica Whiteman )
- Michael Houghton )
- Gayle Wansong ) Thank you, thank you!
- Greg & Elaine Slatter )
- Margaret Evans )
- Nerissa Smith )
- Diane McKelvey )
- Karen & Ron West )
- Glenn & Melanie Pearson )
- National Park Warden Alumni Society )
- Johnny & Marie Nylund ) I'm so grateful! Thank you everyone!
- Sandy & Sharrell McLeod )
- Mark & Joy Hendricks )
- Paul and Dianne Stock )
- Matt Garnett )
- Ria Abernathy )
- Rod Wallace )
- Mary & Neil Wilson )
- Wilma Foster )
- Lee-Anne Mulvihill )
- Janet Woods )
- Gwen Gonzales ) 3/4 there - thank you! Blessings on you all!
- Gord Antoniuk )
- Joe & Linda Buker ) Thank you! (Cld the one donor please tell me who u r)
- Kathy Reynolds )
- Peter & Karen Gardyne )
- Unknown in Jasper - pls tell me who you are! )
- Gerry & Nancy Dienel ) Thanks so much!
- Christine Nikoloff )
- Dian Armstrong ) Thank you!
- Dale Pearson )
- Matthew Pearson-Miles )
- Alison Dhonau
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