Tuesday, February 5, 2013

About the book

In my book, "Blue Creek Bride," I tell what it's like to be a rookie in the Rockies, travelling on horseback with Phil, my husband of only six months, into the back country of Jasper National Park. 



  1. I just went on to your blog site. It is great. It made me want to see
    and read more. I laughed when I read your sample chapter and was
    hoping that there would be a picture of Phil in his cowboy boots and
    boxers chasing the porcupine. What were you doing not taking pictures?
    Sheila Couture

    1. I was very remiss! Sorry to disappoint. Maybe publishing the photo of Phil in the bathtub at Welbourne cabin would make amends...

  2. Hi Leanne, Well done. Looks so good. Karen
